Kelp Reforestation
Following a reforestation project along the south coast of England shoreline. Affected by historic trawling and mass dumps of sewage by Southern water. Follow Chris harvest and grow a Kelp forest, absorbing 20x more C02 than trees and growing fast to be a nursery for a biodiverse marine life as well working as a natural storm defence. Truly exciting to see natural solutions in community driven towns.

Climate Change Solution

To Be Spoken
I met Franklin Essau six years ago as a reformed prisoner & rapper turned change agent working in Ravensmead, Cape Town, teaching mental health education to a considered high risk, high school. I have met and worked with so many incredible youths who communicated to us through self written rap lyrics and artists they related to. I have been working with the CEO of the award winning app 'Spoke' to develop a mindfulness course specifically for them. The formula I have developed is GROUND - ground your breath, mind and body through spoken word meditations, EXPLORE - explore a piece and the themes rapped about CHANNEL - channel discoveries and release finding your voice to articulate and create a piece.
Currently pitching as of 2025 if you are interest please email for research, pitch deck, filming schedule and budget.
Promo video Sustainable Cabin

I have been lucky to witness a solution that will bring mass food availability, replace pesticides and be resistant to climate changing temperatures. As the solution develops for global marketing we are looking at adapting for film.
Please contact if you work in funding climate change film and I can pass on details as permitted.
Mini documentary promoting the process of wildly crafted escapes methods to build sustainable cabins. Using materials such as hemp and sustainable timber felled close to the build site Jon discusses the toxic materials most households are buitl with and healthy, alternative's.